速報APP / 娛樂 / Team M.O.B.I.L.E Interactive

Team M.O.B.I.L.E Interactive





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:ROK House, Kingswood Business Park, Holyhead Road, Albrighton, Wolverhampton, WV7 3AU, UK

Team M.O.B.I.L.E Interactive(圖1)-速報App

Don't just read this comic - ROK Comics presents titles that leap off the page!

Meet Team M.O.B.I.L.E... the undesirables, the no-hopers, the misfits. These are the teenagers who don’t fit in, who flunk every school test and often end up on the wrong side of the law. But these teens have a secret – they are agents for a mysterious international experiment – the Mindmerge Organization Bureau of International Law Enforcement. Selected using secret tests, they're gifted with skills to tackle any threat to the world!

Team M.O.B.I.L.E Interactive(圖2)-速報App

In this first adventure, meet two new recruits who are thrown into a dangerous world as M.O.B.I.L.E goes head to head with its most dangerous foe yet, the Cyboks - robots with a sinister purpose that spells doom for all humankind!

- Using ROK VISION's "Aim & Frame" you can see the animated action come to life!

- Easy to use navigation with the ROKiT 3D phone- using "Aim & Frame"- to watch the animation in 3D! See ROK Comics leap off the page!